Personal Development and Faith Coaching

College Girl Monthly Package

Are you a busy college girl with a tight budget? Book 1 month at a time, with two sessions a month. There will be unlimited Voxer Chat access to Danae between sessions (except Sunday’s). If you love it, we will continue to renew monthly, for the same price, until you feel you have achieved your goals!

Women in their 20’s- 6 Month Package

After working with many women over the past fourteen years, the biggest problem that I have seen come up over and over again is the struggle to find their purpose and feeling unfulfilled in their everyday life. This inspired me to create my 6-month Personal Development and Faith Coaching Program.

This program is for you if:

  • You have a job, but you are burned out, unhappy, not using your full potential, and wanting something new
  • You have big dreams for your life and feel called to something more, but do not know where to start
  • You are experiencing life changes/transitions and are looking for support and direction for what is next and can’t figure out what is holding you back
  • You feel overwhelmed and consumed with busyness and you are struggling to enjoy the present.
  • You are helping others and pouring out but do not have enough time for yourself or God and you are getting resentful and frustrated.
  • You are struggling with productivity, enjoyment, and getting through the day-to-day.
  • You are ready to do the hard work, experience transformation, and to feel joy, be challenged, and find fulfillment in your connections with others and God, your career, yourself, and everyday life!

This program incorporates scripture, devotionals, journal prompts, mindset work, and prayer to discover God’s plan for your life. We will also dig into your inner beliefs, thoughts, and fears that are holding you back.

I am here to listen, encourage, and hold you accountable while you navigate your faith, career, passions, strengths, relationships, and your future. 

Over the course of six months, I will help you:

  • Clarify your calling in THIS season
  • Hear Godly insights on His purpose for your life, in the present and for the future
  • Receive clarity on the “things” causing burnout and exhaustion in your life
  • Find the courage and confidence to pursue a new lifestyle that fills you up
  • Find joy, meaning, and peace in the big areas of your life
  • Serve God’s purpose with confidence and know you are on the right path
  • Be able to mentally handle the circumstances life brings
  • Develop and commit to habits that will transform your physical, mental, and spiritual health

To discuss pricing, availability, or to see if this program is right for you, book a free discovery session with me today!