Danae’s Experience


  • Bachelor of Arts in English from Oklahoma Wesleyan University
  • Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration from the University of Wyoming 
  • Life Coaching Certification from the Coach Training Alliance 
  • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Certification
  • Gatekeepers Suicide Prevention Training
  • Wyoming Governor’s Symposium on Suicide Prevention
  • SAFE Project Advocate Certification
  • NABITA Conference & Campus Threat Management Institute
  • Retention of Diverse Students in Higher Education Summit


  • 3 years personal development and faith coaching
  • 7+ years working in Higher Education including:
    • College Admissions 
    • Service Learning and Leadership
    • Behavioral & Mental Health Case Manager
  • 3+ years as a program director and youth director at a non-denominational church
  • 2+ years working with military youth
  • 4 summers of youth camp counseling