Meet Danae

Throughout my time in college and into my mid-twenties, I struggled through emotionally damaging relationships, self-confidence issues, perfectionism, and codependency. While I loved Jesus, I did not have a solid foundation built on Him. I was not living my life for Christ, instead I was seeking fulfillment in friendships, dating, and my achievements. I loved to be needed by those around me, and put my worth and identity in “loving others” but it was not from my love of Jesus and I often found myself lonely, resentful, and burned out. I focused on what others expected or wanted from me instead of living out a life for God and this began taking a toll on my physical and mental health, leaving me with anxiety, migraines, and panic attacks.

Over the past 6 years, mentorship, coaching, counseling and learning to prioritize Jesus in all aspects of my life allowed me to make huge strides in my confidence and overall fulfillment. I have learned to seek God in all things, implement the spiritual disciplines into my daily routine, love Jesus first and to love others with His love, and to listen for His voice and His calling on my life. 

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but reveal to them their own.

-Benjamin Disraeli

I started Owning Your Mountains with the aspiration to be the mentor for young women that I wished I had in my early twenties, one of the most monumental periods of development in our young adult lives. I want young women to learn to love Jesus above all, and to pursue a life that is Holy and grounded in the Word, and to pursue the dreams God has given them.

A Few More Things About Me

  • I’m a small-town country girl from Colorado but have made Wyoming my home. True rejuvenation and where I feel closest to God comes from being in the mountains, but sipping coffee on the deck also does the trick.
  • I have been married a little over 4 years, and our love story was 100% written by God and is such a testimony of how God’s timing is always perfect in everyway- ask me about it sometime- it’s one of my favorites.
  • My creative side is filled with writing, dabbling in photography, reading, and lots of personal development.
  • Hosting and cooking for our friends and family fills my soul and some of the times I value most are spent around our dining room table with others.
  • Our sweet, very social, and talkative Charlee girl is almost 2, and the journey of motherhood has been the most rewarding but challenging job I have ever had.
  • Our two Cavapoo’s are the best snuggle buddies, and we have puppies once a year which fills the house with chaos and cuteness.
  • As a military spouse, I am learning to let go of perfection and embrace the unknown; I strive to live a life of flexibility with a deep appreciation for the present moment.